GP Records Access


Most patients are automatically given access to information added to their GP record. This includes letters, test results and appointment notes. You can access your GP record through the NHS App, and nominate someone you trust to access it too.

You may switch your access to records off, and back on again, at your discretion. You can also limit your access to only showing a summary of your record, rather than the full detailed record.


Your record may contain sensitive information. If someone is pressuring you for this information, let us know immediately.


Records that are not available

We may be required to redact or hide some information from online access, if it is in the patient’s best interests. Confidential information about a third-party will also be redacted.
When you move to Beckett House Practice, you will no-longer be able to access online services from your previous practice. After you register with us, you will only be able to access your records created by Beckett House Practice. You will need to submit a request to access your past records.


Using the NHS app

To have an NHS account, you must be aged 13 or over and registered with a GP surgery in England. 

First, you need to create an NHS login. Then, prove who you are to get full access. Once these steps are complete, please install the NHS app from iOS or Android



Medical records are technical documents which use medical terminology frequently. Because of this, we have created an FAQ for patients who have questions about the information in their record. This includes a list of common abbreviations. We also have a form you can use to let us know if you have any concerns about your records. There is also help and support available from the NHS App Team.