StockWellBeing PCN


About StockWellBeing PCN

Beckett House Practice is a member of the StockWellBeing Primary Care Network (PCN). PCNs are groups of GP practices working closely together and with other healthcare and community organisations to provide services to the local population.

Our PCN in Stockwell consists of 5 GP Practices, including Beckett House:

  • Beckett House Practice
  • Binfield Road Practice
  • Grantham Practice
  • Springfield Medical Centre
  • Stockwell Group Practice

Our PCN Services

Enhanced Access

We work with the Lambeth GP Federation to offer appointments from 6.30pm to 8.00pm on weekdays, and on Saturdays from 9.00am until 5.00pm across our practice sites. You can speak to our reception team to book evening and weekend appointments.


Social Prescribing

We work with AGE UK and the community and voluntary sector to offer a range of help and support to patients. Social prescribing is designed to support people with a wide range of social, emotional or practical needs, and many schemes are focused on improving mental health and physical wellbeing. Those who could benefit from social prescribing schemes include people with mild or long-term mental health problems, people with complex needs, people who are socially isolated and those with multiple long-term conditions who frequently attend either primary or secondary health care. 



Patients with back and joint pain, including conditions such as arthritis, will now be able to see a physiotherapist without needing to see a GP or be referred to hospital. Patients can book a physio appointment by speaking to our receptionists.